Replacment hard drive!?

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Oct 6, 2014
Hey I have a alienware m17 r3. Was a good laptop until just recently. 1 of my hardsrives in the system died yesterday and it was running in raid 0 format. And I was wondering what you guys think I should do. Just get a replacment sata hard drive the same as what I lost or buy a solid state hardrive and use the other one for movies and pics and stuff?

And the hdd that died is a 750gig sata hard drive. Costs about 90 bucks. Do I have to get a replacment from dell? Or can I just get any laptop hardrive that is 2.5" big?

Thanks in advance!
Most any SATA 2.5" drive should work. Be aware, though, that some 2.5" drives are taller than normal, especially the higher capacity models, so that may cause problems. The drive does not have to be purchased from Dell. In fact, the price for it will likely be better if you shop elsewhere.

Most any SATA 2.5" drive should work. Be aware, though, that some 2.5" drives are taller than normal, especially the higher capacity models, so that may cause problems. The drive does not have to be purchased from Dell. In fact, the price for it will likely be better if you shop elsewhere.

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