yay this made my day . even today the Athlon II x4 that power the AM3 socket and fm1 socket are great performers , sadly there abit outdated with CPU memory channel and performance per clock and high CPU watt usage compared to an i3-2130 , another thing the FM 2 socket will be packed with power saving tecn , just like the FM 1 , and for users that admire that and loves performance \ power efficient \ dollar \ quiet , equation , they will love an quad core on 65 Watt for 100$ and AMD HD 7750 for another 100$ , and PSU + case + RAM + HDD + mobo will be another 220$ , and fore 420$ man you get a good budget strong build , that can do anything , there is no APU that can provide that compete with a 7750 , so it makes perfect sense for users whom want a budget quit and efficent build (there is silenced 7750 as well i reckon cooler master 212 or any other tower cooler will semi-silence that 65 watt CPU)
just my 2 cents