report button does not work on mobile

I find that on mobile, the report button does not work and gives 404 error.

Another thing is that it is not obvious how to get to the forums from the toms hardware mobile site (
I actually have to manually enter

This is on my asndroid tablet

One last thing is the continuously scroll end articles suck big time


Overlord Emeritus
Thanks for the heads-up on that - will forward along to the development team for investigation.
I'll pass along the suggestion for improving visibility for the forum navigation access in mobile view, too.

The infinite news feature is still under heavy adjustment and tweaking, so it may take a little bit of fixing for us to get it just right in terms of user-friendliness. What are your issues with the continuous scrolling articles? What do you hate/like about it, specifically?


Thanks for that.

It has quite a few problems. For example clicking the # comment at the top of the article will not go to the comments but rather jumps to a random point in the page.
Also I get easily lost among the articles when I try to scroll through it and it takes a while to get back to the one of interest. The display comments link is also quite obscure.