Prices have shown up for Intel's upcoming Haswell refresh of processors.
Report: Haswell Refresh Prices and SKU List : Read more
Report: Haswell Refresh Prices and SKU List : Read more
well, it sort of is good news, because the refresh will probabilly make non-refreshed haswell cpu prices drop a little bit.. you might wanna get those insteadSeriously? The i5's are already almost out of my price range, and I want to do a custom build soon... This isn't good news for me. :/
well, it sort of is good news, because the refresh will probabilly make non-refreshed haswell cpu prices drop a little bit.. you might wanna get those insteadSeriously? The i5's are already almost out of my price range, and I want to do a custom build soon... This isn't good news for me. :/