Typical modern synchronous DC-DC converters are 90-95% efficient across most of their operating range. PI and T are filter network topologies, they do not provide any voltage conversion or regulation on their own.
PI to T filter their own signaling in an effcient way, and keep loads balanced to prevent signal bouncing. Come on, you can't just rread an article and think to understand it. When you have wasteful IC like voltage regulators that work in DC, you are typically looking at heavy Heat waste and Low efficiency.
The 93% claim for a DC-DC converter is about as laughable as Intel's Benchmarking stats. The 93% only comes from a Low load demand and in Lab conditions, and as every Engineer knows, these are never ever achieved by the lay Engineer. They are the best case metric based on perfect load and phase test equipment.
You Use the DC-DC converter use a simple efficiency test and send me the results. you will likely get 90% under small load, and that is when the component is cool (20 degrees C) add a bit of heat to 30, and oh dear! that metric is down to 85%.
DC-DC convertors are used now in preference to Linear line regulators that you find in Power supplies, which are lazy electronics in them selves. Compared to having a well designed Zenner Diode Bridge, the DC-DC converters are near useless. They are only used in small devices where batteries can drain current as quickly as they need, but voltage must be made the same. They save space in Phones etc, that is it! It would be near impossible to use large solenoids and ferrous cores in a phone, and the DC-DC converters use a Storage technique with capacitors and frequency to create a new voltage, but a timing circuit is needed to accomplish this (or a tiny Crystal)
Simply put, this is a technique that is not a good idea. The response from engineers about Fujitsu is enough to tell me everything I need..... Unless its a conspiracy. And Yes, you will find a PI or T filter in most modular electronics to connect 2 circuits with varying loads. And being as digital electronics is all modular and has various different IC's with CMOS and TTL mixing, then they are required.