Approximate Purchase Date: By the end of the year
Budget Range: $3000USD for parts, not worried about shipping cost
(live in Hawaii, I am all to familiar with the cost to ship stuff
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming in ridiculous Ultra
settings, "Future-proof" build (Yeah, yeah, I know, no such thing for
electronics... let me have this!)
Are you buying a monitor: Probably, I'll definitely take
recommendations, but not factoring the price into this build
Parts to Upgrade: All, after 4 years of strong gaming, time to retire
the old and bring in the new
Do you need to buy OS: Yes, probably Win10, but again, not figuring
that into my hardware budget
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Usually buy around Newegg and/or
Amazon, but I won't pass up on a good deal... Just need to make sure
the site will ship to Hawaii
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Parts Preferences: Would prefer nvidia gpu (partial to evga brand),
but I'm not fanboy-ish, I can be flexible, especially for a quality
Overclocking: Maybe, haven't done it in a while, but I'm not a super
stranger to it. Always fun to push the limits!
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe, haven't tried it before. This is why I ask
the community's advice!
Your Monitor Resolution: Best for gaming on ultra settings. Possibly
a 2 or 3 monitor setup, based on your recommendations!
Additional Comments: Usually I try to research/price/hunt for deals on
my own, and read around the forums for good recommendations. I just
got back from deployment, so I haven't had the time or resources to
look, so I am empowering the community to come up with a pretty solid
setup. You guys rock!
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: Returning from
deployment (celebratory!) and my current system is about 4 years old.
I figure I can spoil myself a little, know what I mean?
- James
Budget Range: $3000USD for parts, not worried about shipping cost
(live in Hawaii, I am all to familiar with the cost to ship stuff
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming in ridiculous Ultra
settings, "Future-proof" build (Yeah, yeah, I know, no such thing for
electronics... let me have this!)
Are you buying a monitor: Probably, I'll definitely take
recommendations, but not factoring the price into this build
Parts to Upgrade: All, after 4 years of strong gaming, time to retire
the old and bring in the new
Do you need to buy OS: Yes, probably Win10, but again, not figuring
that into my hardware budget
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Usually buy around Newegg and/or
Amazon, but I won't pass up on a good deal... Just need to make sure
the site will ship to Hawaii
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Parts Preferences: Would prefer nvidia gpu (partial to evga brand),
but I'm not fanboy-ish, I can be flexible, especially for a quality
Overclocking: Maybe, haven't done it in a while, but I'm not a super
stranger to it. Always fun to push the limits!
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe, haven't tried it before. This is why I ask
the community's advice!
Your Monitor Resolution: Best for gaming on ultra settings. Possibly
a 2 or 3 monitor setup, based on your recommendations!
Additional Comments: Usually I try to research/price/hunt for deals on
my own, and read around the forums for good recommendations. I just
got back from deployment, so I haven't had the time or resources to
look, so I am empowering the community to come up with a pretty solid
setup. You guys rock!
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: Returning from
deployment (celebratory!) and my current system is about 4 years old.
I figure I can spoil myself a little, know what I mean?
- James