Requesting info regarding TVs and hz etc


Apr 16, 2013
so my sony bravia engine 1 (2006ish model) will eventually pass on (though it doesn't seem like it lol) and I prefer to do my gaming + regular usage on my tv rather than a tiny monitor.

now, if I fall into the hype, and get a 4k tv (whether OLED or LED) example a Seiki (chinese make using i think ChinaStar panels) i know that if instead of running at 4k for gaming @ 30-60hz, i can run it at 1080p at 120hz.

Would any 4k tv do that, and if I wanted to run at 1440p or whatever comes after 1080 could a 4k tv still do that and still run at around 120hz?

I will be getting the gtx 980, either Asus Strix or Gigabyte G1

your thoughts on this? (I play FPS games on my ps4, so im not worried about input lag all that much, i usually play mmo/strat/singleplayer games on pc)

It really depends on 1440p being 120hz, and I doubt it. The 4k televisions are only adapted to be currently 60hz, and everything else to 1080p should be kept the same due to the panel limitation.
those cheap seiki T.V.'s actually run @ 30Hz in 4k resolutions. If you run it at 1080p, yes it is 120hz. 4k televisions can do that, but it is such bad advertising.

If you go to 2560x1440 you'll be at 60Hz.

My thoughts, aspect ratio for these resolutions is different, depending on how it is set it can be stretched/squeezed. It is best to either keep it at 1080p or 2160p (4k).

oh apologies, i know they run at 30hz in 4k due to the hdmi port. But there are some 4k tvs that come with display port, and soon others will come with hdmi 2.0 ports.

I was just thinking if hdmi 2.0 can do a 120hz at 1080 will it be the same for 1440p?

my main interest is running the game smoothly at 1440p, as i know running at 4k will have its hiccups. But I wanna run 1440p with a big ass screen lol

doesn't need to be a seiki, i'll save up money to buy whatever great picture quality 4k panel that can do 1440p at 120hz