Require some recommendations...


Feb 3, 2014
Hi all,

Pretty straight forward. Just want to update my case as currently I have the Cooler Master 335 which I have just found out has been discontinued its that old XD I'm looking for a new case that preferably has a glass/see through pane so that I can see into the case as I quite like that aesthetic look of that, and something that has good directed airflow of cours.
I'm willing to spend up to $200usd on a case.

My internals...
CPU: Intel i5-4570 @3.20GHz
Motherboard: ASUS B85M-G
Video Card: ASUS ROG Strix GTX 1070
Memory: Kingston SSD 120GB
Memory: Western Digital Caviar Blu 1TB HDD
RAM: 2x 8GB sticks
Power: Antec HCG 620w
Optical Drive: LG 24x DVD+Rw
OS: Windows 10

So what are my options? I appreciate all suggestions, thank you!!

Inwin 101C? Or just the 101. Or even the corsair 270R if you want minimalistic look.
But the case with the best airflow would probably go to corsair 500R and the coolermaster H500P

Thanks I'll have to google each one of those and check them out!

The Cooler Master H500P looks pretty damn cool, I'm not sure if you know much about building PCs but do you think with my above parts it will fit fine? I'm a noob to building rigs myself.