Lasers aren't the only bandwidth limit on fibers. For starters, single-mode fiber is only single-mode for wavelengths long enough to keep it that way.
You're restricting your thinking to current telecom-grade fiber. The bulk of active research today relies on spatial multiplexing. The team which set the record to which this article refers, for instance, used tri-mode fiber (S, C, & L bands). This work would naturally and easily extend to include O and L bands, and possibly 850nm as well.
Any given dopant and refraction index profile also has limits on wavelengths they can achieve total internal reflection at...
But for the long future, we don't have to assume NIR lasers on fibers based on total internal reflection. Take a look at the work being done on microstructured waveguides, particularly HC/PCF fiber. We're not going to be putting this type of glass into the ground for at least another decade, but fiber such as this operating in, say the 300-400nm UV bands with DWDM would allow petabit/sec bandwidth levels.
But all this is getting far afield of my original point, which was simply that these researchers were "approaching the Shannon limit" through their use of constellation shaping, and not by reducing dispersion, attenuation, coupling losses, or anything else which would simply raise that limit in lock-stop with any bit-rate increases.