Wow, no need to get hostile. I don't live in the USA. I'm from EU. Uplink is limited to avoid link congestion. Regular users don't need 500Mbps uplink and guaranteed speeds. The problem is most evident when new cellular network generation appears. 4G was very slow in the evenings - too many users - untill there was enough transmission towers.
If you find my hostility towards the ISPs disagreeable then you are supporting:
1) the ISPs taking kickbacks from the global mass media conglomerates in exchange for discouraging you from feeling like your own content/data has greater value to you than mass media content/data by charging you more for expression than for consumption, and
2) the notion that your daily hard work, expressed through the money you pay the ISPs, is best used to limit your personal liberty, by giving you a narrower pipe to speak through than the one you are allowed to listen through.
"Uplink is limited to avoid link congestion. "
That's a bald-faced lie from the ISPs, apocryphal at best when repeated by the general public, ie yourself.
In reality the common 10:1 down:up ratio leads to a situation where any meaningful amount of uplink usage rapidly begins to impact downlink capacity, because nearly all the uplink bandwidth is required just for ACK packets to downloads. With symmetric uplink, there's less congestion and latency both ways, less repeated packets, lower cost for the same bandwidth on the same link as a result.
Upstream is throttled not to improve quality, but to line the ISP and media companies' pockets by maintaining their monopoly on content creation and distribution, by making you the user fearful of using your uplink bandwidth... and you are proving their success by actively defending your right to be fearful, instead of allowing yourself to be angry at the true enemy.
Downlink limits make perfect sense, because most people do consume more than they share, so these limits encourage fair use of "unmetered" bandwidth.
10:1 Downlink:Uplink OTOH is a crime against humanity. I hope you're now more aware of how very successful MPAA/RIAA and the ISPs have been at brainwashing the masses into beliefs that are contrary to their own best interests, and you number yourself among those who don't want to be deceived by those you give your hard earned money to.