Reset Gpu bios?

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Nov 22, 2011
I've got the Msi gtx 660Ti Pe Oc, and after reading the article about how overvolted the pwm voltage of the card is, i decided to udervolt it using msi afterburner, but i reached a stage where i lost the display..

Now i wish to reset the bios of the card somehow, as i cannot use msi afterburner to do it. This is because the card is not detected by my pc anymore!!

Hope you can help..

So, How can i reset the gpu bios?
So you went so low with the voltage that effectively the gpu shut down and basically everytime you turn your pc on now afterburner fires up with the same voltage saved in the settings and so your gpu again does not get enough voltage to work? Is this what the problem is?

lol, I guess..
Except thatits not at the software level (afterburner).. its at the bios level

I may be a bit confused as to what the problem is but how can it be at the bios level if you were only using MSI afterburner to tweak the voltage? Did you reflashed the GPU bios or something? Forgetting about the problems the card originally has for a moment I would recomend starting your computer in safe mode as the MSI afterburner profile is only loaded when windows boots up, then open up afterburner and change the settings back to default or if you can't do this then just delete afterburner. Then when you restart your computer your graphics card should work correctly again. Now you can start to think about reflashing the GPU bios if there is a fix available for the MSI overvolting problem.

When you change the voltage, it is written onto the GPU-bios settings. A reboot should fix it, theoretically.. but i guess ill have to try the safemode-thing..

Did that, already. Thanks for the info, though :)
@rockstar_7 help dude, I am having the same issue, I OC'd my GTX1080 with EVGA precision and it was running stable.. But when I clicked on the K-boost option to run the OC at idle, my GPU drivers crashed and EVGA precision no longer detects my card. Here is what I tried:

- I reinstalled the drivers , flashed my bios, still no good

Can you explain to me what exactly that you did to get it working? I will try to clear the cmos when I get back home.


This was a long time ago, but here's what I did anyway...

Went into the Motherboard Bios and set the default output unit to just the dedicated GPU (PCIE option). Previously, it was on AUTO and used to load the iGPU (integrated graphics option automatically)

Before you give this a shot, make sure you know how to CMOS reset your mb (in order to reset the motherboard settings) OR have a spare dedicated GPU with you so that you can place it in the pcie slot. Just in case the 1080 doesn't reset and your motherboard doesn't let you boot cause it can't detect apcie graphics card (with your 1080's current nonfunctional disposition)

Let me know if it works..

TL;DR select pcie option in the motherboard bios as the default display output option
Thanks! I don't need to do that anymore, when I got back home and ran my PC, my GPU went back to stock clock and now runs perfectly, probably the GPU reset by itself.. I OC'd it again and working great! Thanks for the response anyway, appreciate it.
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