Reset Swtich Questions


Sep 15, 2013
So, I bought a Black Ark Technology PA06 computer case and it comes with NO MANUAL and only 6 mounts when ATX boards require 10 (grrr) but my real question is the reset switch. The HD LED, Power LED and Power switch connecters were were all normal and labeled but there is no labeled Reset cords. There are only green/white connectors left but they aren't mounted to the thin flat connectors that normally go to a motherboard. Instead, they are mounted to a 4 pin molex connector (like some case fans use) with 2 pins empty. So, I connect this to the power supply? I thought reset switches worked by shorting the processor, This will only go to the power supply.
Well, yeah..the power button glows. You're spot on. It turns out that what I thought was the Power LED, was actually the reset switch. Thanks for getting me to double check. Yes, that link is the same case. It doesn't have any 3.0 USB ports but my MB has 6 and I don't see much equipment that needs them anyway.