Hey there! I just installed myself a new CPU.. Which is the "AMD Athlon X4 860K".
Now, here comes the problem. When starting up my PC.. I am greeted by 1280x1024, when I usually get 1080p. Apart from that, starting up a game like CS:GO gets me another problem; Your graphics hardware does not support all features (CSM) needed to run this game.
Screenshot of error: http://prntscr.com/e5shdd .
While most of the videos I saw running the Athlon run perfectly fine.. I have searched for any drivers but couldn't find any. If you guys can help me with this, or provide me with a link to the drivers, that would be greatly appreciated!
GPU: GTX 770
MOBO: Msi a78m-e35.
Was able to run this game before upgrade.
EDIT: Was able to run Rocket League, I have 4 fps in starting screen, maybe a driver problem?
Now, here comes the problem. When starting up my PC.. I am greeted by 1280x1024, when I usually get 1080p. Apart from that, starting up a game like CS:GO gets me another problem; Your graphics hardware does not support all features (CSM) needed to run this game.
Screenshot of error: http://prntscr.com/e5shdd .
While most of the videos I saw running the Athlon run perfectly fine.. I have searched for any drivers but couldn't find any. If you guys can help me with this, or provide me with a link to the drivers, that would be greatly appreciated!
GPU: GTX 770
MOBO: Msi a78m-e35.
Was able to run this game before upgrade.
EDIT: Was able to run Rocket League, I have 4 fps in starting screen, maybe a driver problem?