Resolution Problem In fortnite


Nov 1, 2017
So I recently downloaded Fortnite And I've got A problem with the resolution in-game when I try to change it to fullscreen 1080 P it doesn't allow to change it stays on 1280x720 and the resolution scale changes to 1920x1080 (1080p) and this happens to me only in Fortnite , and my windows shows that My native resolution is 1280x720 But my native resolution is 1080 p because my monitor is HD monitor so what should I Do ?!!
Note: 1.the other Games works Perfectly in 1080 Full screen
2. when I change it to windowed full screen It works on 1920x1080 And I cant even change the resolution
3. things looks Blurry in Full screen 1280x720
4. I want the Fullscreen because IT's better from the side of Performance
I hope you respond as fast as possible.

It didn't work sadly.... I need to switch it from the settings But it won't work I want the Fullscreen mode cuz It makes the Input lag much lower

Selecting the window and hitting Alt and Enter didnt put it in full screen?