Recently I was playing a videogame on my pc and it crashed all of a sudden, This resulted into my resolution getting stuck at 800x600.
Now I figured it were my drivers or a virus but after updating and scanning, the problem is still here. I proceeded with reinstalling windows, figuring that might help (I'm not too techy so just aiming at the basics). This didn't help a bit either.
I did however notice that when I boot my pc, after the Bios screen it shows weird signs.
Also when using DXDIAG, it can't seem to find my Graphics Card. I did check if it's plugged in correctly, and it is, I haven't changed a thing for a month or so and it has been running smoothly all of that time.
Sadly enough I don't have any spareparts to test individually on.
I'm using a nVidia GTX 580.
I'm running windows 7
Does anyone have a clue what's going on and how to fix it?
Recently I was playing a videogame on my pc and it crashed all of a sudden, This resulted into my resolution getting stuck at 800x600.
Now I figured it were my drivers or a virus but after updating and scanning, the problem is still here. I proceeded with reinstalling windows, figuring that might help (I'm not too techy so just aiming at the basics). This didn't help a bit either.
I did however notice that when I boot my pc, after the Bios screen it shows weird signs.
Also when using DXDIAG, it can't seem to find my Graphics Card. I did check if it's plugged in correctly, and it is, I haven't changed a thing for a month or so and it has been running smoothly all of that time.
Sadly enough I don't have any spareparts to test individually on.
I'm using a nVidia GTX 580.
I'm running windows 7
Does anyone have a clue what's going on and how to fix it?