1.My computer has some issues, some tiems the CPU will spike. I seemed to find the issue with that and it was gettting to hot so we put more fans in and underclocked the CPU to 3800MHZ, combined with the more fans my cpu stays at 17C idle and on something like BF1 WW1 it runs hotter arouind 60-70C (still a issue but more fans are on the way.
2. my ram comes up as 800MHZ on multipule performance monitors (including windows). i have 1600mhz ram. me and my friend cant fix this.
3. when finally everything is running good, my disk will have a 100% spike for like a minute my PC freezes wtf this PC?. (this happened when my pc was running very cool at around 20C CPU/40C MOBO
any help? mostly with the ram not being 1600 even if we manually set it in BIOS etc. (we leave it at default right now and the default is 1600 it is false).
Is my MOBO bad?
2. my ram comes up as 800MHZ on multipule performance monitors (including windows). i have 1600mhz ram. me and my friend cant fix this.
3. when finally everything is running good, my disk will have a 100% spike for like a minute my PC freezes wtf this PC?. (this happened when my pc was running very cool at around 20C CPU/40C MOBO
any help? mostly with the ram not being 1600 even if we manually set it in BIOS etc. (we leave it at default right now and the default is 1600 it is false).
Is my MOBO bad?