Respawn Entertainment Drops 'Titanfall 2' Teaser Trailer

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The first one was so over hyped that it failed and disappointed people who got exactly what was expected. This one I have a feeling may not do too well either especially with the route the CoD games are taking.
I think this one is going to be pretty big. The first one didnt fail. It sold pretty well and got pretty good reviews. Major complaint was that it was too bare bones. As such people stopped playing it quick. Sequels usually clean that up.

Yes and no. A well done game can still be played. Look at Counter Strike. While CSGO has taken off, CS 1.6 is still heavily played, # 17 out of 25 on Steam Charts, for a game as old as it is and before CS: Source it was very heavily played due to how well it was done.

The only thing people can hope for is that they learned from their mistakes and make better what was already good.
Microsoft couldn't fork the $$$ to keep it on the xbox one, well I might have to look at it,
Hope they add single player and a good story then I might consider their stupid multiplayer part of the game
I was so foolish to follow the hype to buy the first one. It doesn't even have a single player campaign and the game play is poor as hell. I won't spend a dime on the second one. It was all marketing bullshyt.
The biggest problem with Titanfall 1 on PC was the massive amount of storage it took up just to use fully uncompressed audio. Because that 1-2fps hit you taken when your computer decompresses audio is worth the 48gb install. 35gb of which is just audio files.
The audio files were complete BS. They should not be multiple times larger all together than the game files themselves. That's pretty ridiculous. I'm glad I didn't have to wait to download that all since I had a physical copy. Yes, Titanfall 2 is supposed to have a strictly single player campaign as well. That's one thing that really bothered me, because I had to play the same missions over and over to get back up to where I previously was. I may pick this up if it is really any good.
forget single player campaign, work on improving the horrendous multiplayer!

why did they even need to add bots to a MP match on titanfall 1?

this was a great concept of a game, you know FPS shooting + mech riding. but the implementation absolutelly sucked.
The first one was entertaining for what it was and I knew going in that there was no single player campaign, which they are rectifying in the second installment. Last Titan Standing is a really tight multiplayer game that reminds me of playing Counter-Strike (one life and wait to respawn until the next round), but with big-a$$ mechs. I know Origin/EA don't let us see numbers like Valve does, but people (myself included, when the mood strikes) are absolutely still playing the first one on PC, so it is not dead.

From the creators of a game that wasn't supported after release comes it's sequel... Abandonware 2!

They released 2 DLC map packs, then made the DLC free on the one-year anniversary of the original release date, not really sure how it was not supported?

I second the notions of using a more updated engine, and hopefully they optimize better this time, I have two R9 290s in CrossFire and maps like Rise with a ton of smoke run like crap.

And for fudge sake compress the audio on PC!
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