Restarting issue new pc build

Hanis Armia

Oct 16, 2013
hey guys i have built my system using some of my old pc build
i5 760
hd 7950
8gb corsair vengeance ram
asusp7p55delx motherbaord
1 tb and 500 gb harddrives
corsair cx600m powersupply
thermaltake frio

so my problem is that my pc keeps restarting for somereason i have sent my powersupply in fro warranty and now i am worried that it isnt the powersupply that was the problem im really hoping it wasnt anything else,but if it was iim wondering can any other hardware that i have be causing this restart,
theres no blue screen of death no nothing i can use it sometime for like 10 minutes and then it just shutsdown and then it turn on back by itself and then the process repeats itself..

Im really hoping that i dont have to go buy another motherboard and cpu and if it was the mother board would i still be able to use the cpu
The BIOS is probably OK if you installed the HDD and optical drives in the same ports. Press delete when booting to get into BIOS if you need to. Your MB manual should be a good help for setting the BIOS up, especially optimized defaults. If you don't have the manual, you can download it from the manufacturer web site. During boot, can you see your memory speed, etc? Is it correct? You might want to go into BIOS and check around and see what it is set up like. You do not have to change anything, just exit BIOS without saving. And make sure your HDD, etc is installed in the same ports that they used to be in.
whats optimized defaults ? i just took my old parts being the cpu motherboard and harddrives and put it in my new one :L
can you tell me how to set defaults and how does that change anything?
The BIOS is probably OK if you installed the HDD and optical drives in the same ports. Press delete when booting to get into BIOS if you need to. Your MB manual should be a good help for setting the BIOS up, especially optimized defaults. If you don't have the manual, you can download it from the manufacturer web site. During boot, can you see your memory speed, etc? Is it correct? You might want to go into BIOS and check around and see what it is set up like. You do not have to change anything, just exit BIOS without saving. And make sure your HDD, etc is installed in the same ports that they used to be in.
well the worked for the first 2 weeks no problem and then like out of no where this problem started happening, like i would go on for like 10 mins and itll restart over and over again,,
and one more thing when i unplug everything and plug in back in sometimes it lasts 4 or more hours and then reboot itself ,
im 100% sure its not heating since my temps are like 50 under load, and gpu seems fine, as i said i sent my powersupply in for warranty should i just wait it out or test for other problems
yea im once my powersupply comes back ill check evry other component if the problem persists.
im using 2x4 gb corsair vengeance but im using it on the 2nd and fourth slot because it doesnt fit due to limited space of my thermaltake frio
i have another 2x2 gb ram which is just sitting in the cupboard and ill check if it boots correctly with just 2x2gb cause if it works then obviously either 2 things, one being ram is broken or 2 i have to change the settings in bios ?