restore MB thumdrive?

You need to re-word your question, nothing you put in makes sense right now. Restore files for DOS for what? You are running Windows 7, no DOS there. What do the SATA drivers have to do with this?

You need to fully explain the issue from the start, what you are trying to do, what it's doing, what you tried already, with exact error messages.

While looking at a video issue with a screen saver, the computer suddenly crashed. Over the next 3 bootups, it failed to see the hard drive and the optic drive. Any SATA device is not seen. Only boot method left is thumb drive. All repair programs out there seem to need windows to operate. EXE files they have wont run in DOS. Any ideas? There are no error messages. Can enter BIOS ok and can press Esc for boot menu, but the thumb drive is only listed. This motherboard does not have any IDE ribbon sockets, so it SATA or bust.