Restoring and old Dell Dimension PC for Windows 95/98 Gaming


Mar 2, 2017
Hello There,

I wanted to dig an old PC out of retirement and give a use instead of letting it sit and collect dust, , after Doing some research or poking around, I've decided go Ol' Skool with this PC....

Name: Dell Dimension 4100

CPU: Intel Pentium III (Forgot Clock Speed...)

HDD: Right now the system has a 320 GB HDD, but i have the original HDD which was a 20 GB HDD

RAM: 256 MB

OS: Windows 98 S.E

That's all the specs i can remember, if i need to improve anything let me know.... i know i will have to add a USB PCi Card for file transfer.
I have a Dell Dimension PII 266MHz that for quite a while I used as a retro gamer. My current Win 98 SE retro gamer is a Pentium IV 3.06GHz with an XFX 7800GS GPU (the last powerful AGP video card prior to the shift to PCIe). This is connected to a 19" Sony Trinitron 1600x1200 CRT monitor I've had since 2000 (let's see a flat panel LCD last that long!).

You don't say what AGP video card you have, but you'll need one of those as well assuming it's an AGP motherboard and not PCIe for the video card. I never have my retro gamers connected to the internet for obvious lack of antivirus security reasons and outdated browser support (no Flash, Java, and Silverlight support specifically).
Well i dug around some more and found that the video card in that Dell 4100 is some sorta ATi Radeon (can't find model number) and i re-installed that 20 GB HDD that originally came with the PC, (I found that old Dell Dimension 4100 at a Recycling Center).... but im trying to pick out an OS for it , Cuz when i found it had Windows XP on it OOPS, but it had a COA for Windows Me (More Like Mistake Edition) LOL, where would be the best place to get a Windows 95 and Me ISO but i would need a Product Key for 95.....
There are plenty of sites out there that offer ISOs (I'm not sure what the rules are on Tom's Hardware about posting links to ISO downloading sites so I won't do that here). Remember that even though they are old OS's and no longer supported, it's still illegal to use if you don't own an original license. If you have the Windows product key sticker on the PC, that's your license since you own that PC and can get another ISO for that exact operating system.

Another option: you'd be surprised how many people and businesses have old physical copies of Win95-98 laying around in boxes. I'm kind of a PC parts hoarder and at one time still had my original Windows 95 & 98 CDs and licenses but after a move a couple of years ago cannot locate them. I built a PC with Windows ME as well circa 2000, and contrary to popular hatred for it, I didn't have any qualms about it. I'd offer you one of mine if I could find them. I'd recommend 98 SE though.

Well played, Sir! 😀

I don't advise for a pirated copy, it is still possible to buy that in shops. If you do that, i recommend W98SE.

Still, if you have a license (or license sticker) for or on that machine, ME should well be good enough.

In a strict sense, if you do own that Windows ME (which implies the license sticker as well as the original CD...), you would be still on the safe side legally if you use a copy of w98se with another license code. Here, it seems you don't own that ME for that purpose, so no luck here...

I'd advise to not using w95, you'd be calling for trouble, w95 has problems with the CPU on that machine.

Otherwise, see documentation here:


anyways i need a few drivers for the computer... but i do not know where to get any of these drivers since im not the original owner and i dont have one of those Dell Dimension XPS CDs containing the drivers i need
All video and audio supported device drivers that came with this model PC are in that link he provided. You'd need to find out which video card and sound card/chip came optioned with that PC. Mine mentioned previously that I custom ordered back in 1997 came with an Nvidia Riva 128 AGP video card and Creative Labs Soundblaster audio chip soldered on the motherboard.
Hello again, just recently i went to install some drivers i needed.... (cause i dont have the Driver CD) anyways when i go to install the necessary drivers, i run into a problem what would be a good program to use when im installing this drivers (FYI im using a USB flash drive) also what would be some good but old programs that i could run on Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows XP, And Windows 95 and maybe 95 you know like firefox, google chrome, opera, Microsoft Office and what ever else.....