[SOLVED] Restoring old tricycle


Dec 31, 2007
30+ years ago we bought our daughters a tricycle. We want to restore it as best as possible. I read somewhere that regular Coca-Cola and aluminum foil is good for removing light rust. Where we run into a problem is there as a couple places where the rust has bubbled a lot. After hitting this rust with a good wire brush I want to coat it with some type of rust converter. Any suggestions for a good product? I've always gotten good responses for computers, so might as well hit the This-and-That side.
The rust cannot be converted to its original form because it is a chemical change and therefore, all you can do is remove the rust from rest of the parts of the tricycle. I have seen videos on internet where white vinegar and ketchup turn out really effective in removing rust from steel products. Though I have not used this ever, I would suggest you to use ketchup on some parts and wipe it with a tissue paper to see what it does.
Thanks gang. Somewhere I have some naval jelly. (I goes well with navel lint.) That plus a good wire stripper and a wire brush shoulld work. Fortunately I have a three years before our new grandson will be able to ride the trike.
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