Restoring Win 8 with a Win 8.1 .iso??? HELP


Sep 3, 2016
I need to repair a computer's OS, I know it has Windows 8/8.1 but I'm not exactly sure. My question is: Can I restore win 8 home with a win 8 pro .iso and vice versa? what about win 8 with win 8.1 .iso?

The short answer is: NO.
You must use the media version that was originally installed on the mainboard BECAUSE the windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 keys are 'injected' into the mainboard during installation. There is no license key sticker for these versions of Windows.

You can use this LINK to download the media creation tool from Microsoft. It should give you options during the set up as to what version of the Windows 8.1 you want to create.

So, there's absolutely no way to repair a win 8 home version with a win 8 pro .iso?

Well, thanks anyways. It was fucking windows 8... I ended up installing windows 7.

Windows 7 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Windows 8. Congrats!
You can still upgrade to windows 10 for free if you use your windows 7 key. No lie.

Well, that'd be great if it wasn't that my computer can't boot windows 10...

No idea what it is, I installed it back in 2015 but after switching back to windows 7 it never worked again. Freezes at windows logo.