"Retina" Displays for Gaming


Oct 13, 2012
So, random question. If you were to use a retina display (you know, the pixels are so small you can't see them), wouldn't you have no need for antialiasing? I feel like this should work as long as your graphics card can game at the full resolution of the display. I'm no expert though, so let me know what you guys think.

The reason I'm wondering this is because this should theoretically lower the amount of rendering power your graphics card needs (sure there's more pixels but it doesn't have to edge detect, etc.)

Which is why jumbotrons at stadiums manage to look decent from your seat 50 yards away. :)

Well it's Apple, it must be a brilliant, innovative idea so ya, here's your patent.

In fairness if they developed a technology and/or manufacturing technique for making super small pixels then I guess they are in their right.