News Retro gaming enthusiasts demonstrate transmission of C64 games via YouTube — data rates appear to be around 30 bits per second

The random specific little hobbies that get latched onto and covered as some kind of amazing thing Vs. the bottomless ocean of projects being ignored is beyond my comprehension.
One of the most coinvent (and popular) ways to store and load C64 games is an audio recording of the cassette tape it was originally stored on. We already have a fantastic and well-known way to transmit C64 code via a YouTube video via the soundtrack. There's Vinyl records that contain C64 software hidden in the runout groove (specific popular example: the album Electric Eye by Prodigal, 1984). To me, that's where the fascination would be.
Why not just have a (skippable!) section of the video that was an audio of the code - just the same way that code used to be stored for those machines (or how analogue modems worked)? I remember well listening to Manic Miner loading on my Sinclair Spectrum 48k as a kid!
I do like the idea of trying to use video, though. If you could use a decoder program built into your web browser or running on your phone (which you'd then have to point at the monitor), it could even be fairly complex. In terms of bit rate, I think you could design a modulation scheme that could manage a heck of a lot higher bit rate than theirs, although you always have the issue of how much scaling and degradation you're willing to tolerate.