Returning virus and unwanted programs

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Aug 20, 2015
I downloaded something but a virus came with it,
there are 5 programs and they keep installing themselfs again,
like 10 minutes after i remove the programs they come back and they are really annoying cause they pop up in my screen while im doing something like gaming.
They also change my web browser to istartpageing, when i was typing this it closed my web browser and changed it to istartpageing so i had to re-write this all.
Does anybody know a good anti virus that stops this virus from installing itself again?
I used windows defender and removed it but it came back after like 10 minutes,
I think when i remove it, there is still something from it on my computer whigh allows it to re-install itself, but i cant find it. If you have a good anti virus or a way to find the source, plz reply to this thread.
Thank you for reading

Hello my friend,

What you need to do is a malware & spyware scan.

Malware: install the free version.
Spyware: install the free version.

This should be enough to help you get rid of the virus.

NOTE: Once in the install wizard, do not download any extra programs if it asks you. For example: '' Would you also like to install Google Toolbar or McAfee? ''

Cheers mate

@Amarguy100 I think it works but it's still gonna take hours to remove everything, it's now removing for like 30 minutes and it removed 250/1303
btw 1303 threads is a lot isn't it?

Haha yeah it is. It will take some time of course, but when it's done please write something back as confirmation!


This is a good attachment if the current progress will fail.

It totally worked, i dont think i need to do it again in safe mode because it already worked, i also found some other virusses on my computer i didnt know were there so im very happy that my pc is now all safe
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