Reverse Discrimination

Here is a scenario I will play out. You be the judge:

There is a dishwasher, male, who has been working at a small family Italian restaurant for about 18 months.

When he first started out, he was told that after a 12 month cycle had occurred, that an advancement would be met if applicable.

He waits for about 14 moths and proposes to the manager of the restaurant. She is okay with the idea, but at that moment was well stocked with employees.

Later, over time, the waitresses began to tell this dishwasher they would like to have him on the floor of the dining hall.

He likes the idea of waiting and proposes the idea to the manager. Again, is okay with it but still well stocked.

Later, the executive chef hears about it and begins asking questions. The dishwasher acknowledges the rumors are

The chef laughs and tells the dishwasher that if he cannot have a relationship with him, he will not hire him.

He then hands over a menu and tells the dishwasher to memorize the whole menu and if he screws up once, he will not get the job.

After a month, the dishwasher waits to be tested even though the test is 3 weeks over due.

Suddenly, a new woman appears in the restaurant dressed as a waitress. Everyone says that this is the new waitress on floor. Turns out to be a girlfriend of the executive chef.

Over time, the business continues as usual. The original waitresses began to talk the to dishwasher and ask him if he know what is going on. He has no clue. They explain that the executive chef hires his girlfriends instead of others. After weeks pass by and they break up, the work environment becomes awkward and the new girl will leave. This happened eventually.

Advance to 2013, the young dishwasher hears about a new opening in the waitstaff and is interested. He talks to another waitress and asks if the manger would be willing to hire him. She agrees that hiring him would be great and possibly help diversify the floor, but will not happen under the manager. The chef would have to hire the wait staff.

The waitress expressed that she recommended a friend to the chef two work on the floor. He asked her,
"well, does she have a boyfriend?" The waitress cannot begin to believe what was said.

The waitresses all say the chef hires only women because he wants to have girls like him. That he wants his girls to be with him. No males are to work on the floor except in the back of the kitchen.

Is this a form of discrimination? Is this legal? logical? Debate.
Get another job and leave ... you can't fix HR issues in a small family business.

Switch the Tartaric for the salt in the kitchen on the last day as well as the sweet chilli and peri peri and so on.

Nothing wrong with it. It is distasteful but it is a low skill job that is high in demand.

The dishwasher had nothing in writing. It's a low level job that nearly anyone can do.
The supply of workers able to be a waiter or waitress is very high against the amount of jobs available. Economics would state the job pay a lower amount as more people are available to do the job.

I wouldn't say Americans aren't willing to do the job, it would be more like most want a better job than what it provides. Doesn't matter if they deserve and/or are capable of such, they just want better. A sense of entitlement if you will.

Case in point, fiance's friend and her husband. He's unemployed, she's working but can't handle both their bills. They're falling behind. He's looking at buying a brand new Ford Edge. Just bought a $2400 a TV on credit right when he lost his job (before the bills started rolling in). He also bought her some nice christmas presents on credit instead of paying bills. He wants everything, doesn't want to work for it. She got her monthly bonus, instead of paying her bills, she went out and paid full price for a Coach purse.

Wants are more important than people's needs today.
So, I should just be happy with the job I have and get over it? And if I want to find a 'better' job, then I am self-centered and and entitlement queen who needs to face reality?

I would rather be making money to put into savings for later expenditures. I rather be in credit than debt. Current work does not provide that. Hear position is available. Wants to get new skill. Guess I am and entitlement queen.

Yes that is true; however, how many are reasonable employees that the company wants to hire? We have had one person check in, and many of the waitresses say this person will be no good for the job. I have no clue what that means, but oh well. Also, they do not have transport. Another thing you need when you are on call.

I feel like i can do the job, it is the fact that the chef would rather find a hot chick that he could date to work out on the floor rather than have some guy who works for him, who hopefully has proven to be a reliable and good worker. They are well staffed in the kitchen and have no task deficit...all the hands are available. They have a waitress who is going to leave due to pregnancy. Wish her luck! That is why the spot is open, oh, and the fact the chef's ex had left as well creating needed work for the floor.

IDK riser, I want to do the work and I can do it. This is not rocket science! The problem that I face is the lack of a (you-know-what-female-part(s)). :ange:
Kinda hard to find another restaurant that you can start out as waiter. yo will need to work another year or two under dish-washing. I do, however, see what you are saying and may take it into consideration. I am really not needed there. My lack of presence will not harm them in any way. The problem is the availability of a serving position and a restaurant that is willing to train.
Waiting is easy ... any drongo can learn it in about 3 minutes:

Customer service / appropriate language and courtesy
Dress and bearing
How to lay out a table for service
How to deliver and remove food
How to pour drinks
How to take and order and write a cheque

Thats it ... end of trg

Most people just pick the job up ...

I'd argue there is more skill, and certainly more work bashing dixies.
Mum was a chef ... she called the front of service people her pet monkeys ... fair enough when your a chef I spose.

chefs can be mean ...

She treated her dixie bashers with more respect because they worked harder.

Not really because there is no harassment of any kind here sexually or even mentally involved. She can get another job no one is pressuring her to stay there.

Cold hard reality:
You're in a job. They want to hire someone to wait tables. By your argument, they move you to a waiter. They now have to train you. They also need to hire a dishwasher and train them. That is two new people being trained. Why not hire one person to wait tables and leave you in your current position? They put more burden on them by moving you around. You will find that is the case when you get into the working world and office mentality. The only way to make more money at the rate you want is to switch jobs.

You over complicated it.

In America, the waiter or watiress's only job is to keep your drink filled. Many restaurants have "Food runners." These are the people who bring the food out. The waiter/ress takes your order and brings you drinks. From there, the food runners bring you the food. The waiter/ress checks to make sure everything is fine while keeping your drinks filled.

All for an amazing $2.40/hour.