Reverting back to onboard sound?


Oct 24, 2014
Long story short, I have no more room on my mobo for my Xonar DX. I uninstalled the drivers and audio center however in my system tray I still have the AsusAudioCenter.exe but it does nothing.

Also my speaker icon is not in the systray and if I go through control panel - sound - playback, all I have are 6x Digital Display Audio, which is from my video cards I assume?

Plugging my headset and mic into the mobo does nothing, no sound.

I tried reinstalled the Realtek drivers from the Asus site but that changed nothing.

My mobo is the P8p67 EVO.

Thank you.
Have you checked the BIOS option under Advanced\Onboard Devices Configuration if the HD Audio is enabled? you might also want to check Device Manager if there are unknown devices and such, one of them might be the audio device of your board.
Wow what a brain fart...totally forgot I had disable that in the bios when installing the card.

Now about the speaker icon that was usually in the systray? The realtek audio manager or something... also if I go "customise" theres no realtek there, and still an AsusAudioCenter.exe

At least I have sound now...really didn't remember how bad onboard audio was, going to have to look for a USB solution.
Try opening the application via the Start Menu, it might just get it back there on the systray. It may not also be one of the apps that run on startup.