Review gaming build


Feb 5, 2014
Hello all,

I'm set on building a computer within the next 2 weeks. Before I buy it though i want to run it by some people to make sure that its a good build. Below is the link to the computer components ive picked out. If something in this list is not good or you have any suggestions for a change please send them my way. I understand alot of people on this site have 1000x more knowledge than me on this stuff. Please though if you do recommend a change though, can you please be so kind as to tell me why you are recommending that change. I plan on using this computer to play WoW, maybe some other games, school stuff, and maybe learn programming in the next few months. Thank you in advance :)
Well, With AMD Mantle is now becoming quite big in modern day games making it a great choice for choosing AMD cards.

the R9 280X has 3GB Vram on a 384-Bit memory bus running a 288Gb/s, 250Watt TDP, and has more unifying shaders then GTX 770.

The GTX 770, has 2GB Vram on a 256-Bit memory bus running at 224Gb/s, 230Watt TDP, same amount of ROP's and texture mapping units but has a higher Texel rate and Pixel rate then R9 280X.

But the R9 280X has better advantages, with higher memory bus and Vram, this can support higher resolutions more easily and effectively. the GTX 770 is a very good perform, but for later on, With the current specs of the R9 280X, it has a better chance of maxing out games for longer, And on top of that, More...
Firstly, An excellent Setup. Only can suggest changing Ram from 2133Mhz to 1866Mhz for the following reasons;

As you may know, the faster the speed the faster the ram, the lower the Cas Latency (CL) the faster the ram; so;

1333MHz CL8/9

1600MHz CL9

1866MHz CL9

2133MHz CL10

2400MHz CL11/12

As you can see, 1866MHz comes out on top with the best performance specs, so in turn will do better then 2133MHz.

Besides that nothing else I would change.

PS; If you look at my Avatar, I am a AMD fanboy, if you would like me to suggest getting an R9 280X over the GTX 770, Let me know and I'll say why. If you prefer Nvidia, then the GTX 770 is a great choice.
Id love it if you could suggest the R9. Im not very knowledgeable and I would change any of these parts if someone gives me a good reason why. Also, what ram would you go with?
Well, With AMD Mantle is now becoming quite big in modern day games making it a great choice for choosing AMD cards.

the R9 280X has 3GB Vram on a 384-Bit memory bus running a 288Gb/s, 250Watt TDP, and has more unifying shaders then GTX 770.

The GTX 770, has 2GB Vram on a 256-Bit memory bus running at 224Gb/s, 230Watt TDP, same amount of ROP's and texture mapping units but has a higher Texel rate and Pixel rate then R9 280X.

But the R9 280X has better advantages, with higher memory bus and Vram, this can support higher resolutions more easily and effectively. the GTX 770 is a very good perform, but for later on, With the current specs of the R9 280X, it has a better chance of maxing out games for longer, And on top of that, More games are going to Mantle, which in turn gives AMD cards a better advantage.

With Ram I would go for 8GB (2x4GB) 1866Mhz, preferably Trident-X