Review my pc


I mean it will kill everything in your PC sooner then it would with a tier 1. So yes replacing virtually everything attached to the PSU. basically you can keep your case with your keyboard and mouse.
yes you could replace the PSU before it kills everything in theory but you won't know when it starts to go bad and is over or under loading components doing damage. So it would be a blind guess when to get a new PSU and thus why we have all been telling you to get a tier 1.

yeah i have one. if you have to skimp somewhere...DO NOT do it on the PSU. do it somewhere else.It is the heart of your system. It can make everything run beautifully or sizzle and burn into a stinky burnt plastic door stop. Get a Seasonic PSU or a rebrand of theirs from EVGA or XFX, IMHO.
you are taking a huge risk on something extremely critical. A pc can survive without liquid cooling. skipe it for a while and grab a GOOD PSU! then, after a month or two, grab the liquid cooling one!
1070 wont be THAT hot like R9 290. So dont worry yet!
Yes but my cpu doesn't come with a stock cooler, so cooler is a must asap. So instead of buying a new cooler and putting the old cooler to waste, why not just buy a good cooler once and get it over with? Furthermore I live in a slightly remote area so theres always the problem of availability. I think the thermaltakes I mentioned earlier are a good choice, I'd also like to hear your opinion regarding these psu's :)

Those supplies fall further down the list I mentioned. I would not buy them. I gave you my advice (which is the same as everyone else's as far as I can see) you just continue to ignore it.

better to get an OK cooler and a GOOD PSU. A bad to decent cooler will only cause your CPU to throttle...a bad PSU can destroy everything it's connected to.
Dude I'm not ignoring you but you do not seem to understand the fact that my budget is limited and that there are availability issues in my area. I appreciate you advice but I also have to add in these factors when building a custom pc. Thanks for your help anyway
I do understand it's limited. It's all the more reason I am trying to get my point across. I just can't stress the PSU enough. I have had to tell more friends and family there PC was destroyed because of a bad PSU. And if you really are on a tight budget, could you afford to replace everything if the PSU fries it? Because your warrenties likely won't cover the damage of a bad/faulty PSU. That said i would either save more cash, or try going with a cheaper CPU like a i5 6600k and use that money for the PSU or drop the SSD drive (for now) and get one later when you have the cash. there are a lot of ways to shave dollars of your build and not get a crap PSU that will endanger you'll whole investment.
seriously please no one here is trying to be mean or not understand budgetary restraints. We are all just trying to help you have a nice build that doesn't die an early death. tier 1...2 if your desperate but know it will shorten your rigs life span by months or even years compared to tier 1.

I mean it will kill everything in your PC sooner then it would with a tier 1. So yes replacing virtually everything attached to the PSU. basically you can keep your case with your keyboard and mouse.
yes you could replace the PSU before it kills everything in theory but you won't know when it starts to go bad and is over or under loading components doing damage. So it would be a blind guess when to get a new PSU and thus why we have all been telling you to get a tier 1.