RG6 to Secondary Audio

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Dec 25, 2014
We have "Basic Cable". This comes in on an RG6 with is connected to the TV which is the tuner. We want to connect secondary audio but the TV does not have an audio output. Is there a device to put in line that will redirect the audio from the RG6 maybe? Or is there another option we are missing? We simply wish to be able to play the cable's audio through additional speakers.

Correct there is no Audio Output. FYI the TV is an LG, 47LD450.
The ultimate goal here is to allow Grandpa to use his wireless headphones he got for his birthday several months ago. Then he would be able to turn up the hockey game without deafening the rest of us 😀

Yes a different tuner is needed but I wasn't sure what to use without buying an expensive and otherwise unneeded device such as a digital tuner box or TiVo box. Today, however, I found a workable and cost effective solution.

I simply hooked up an old VCR that was in the basement. When the VCR is turned on and used as the tuner the RCA jack audio output on the VCR connects to the headphones and has independant volume control from the TV. SCORE!
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