Question RGB on G.SKILL TridentZ RGB sticks are bugged after the error code and couple BSODs ?

Nov 1, 2021
Hello! Sorry for not introducing myself on the forums, I'll do that after posting this thread.

So, I have two problems with my memory modules. What is it about? I bought my new tower a few weeks ago. It's rocking great, everything works fine, it's silent, and so on... But, lately, I had some problems with RAM. One day, I booted my PC up and suddenly, it gave me "Kernel Data Inpage Error". I was like - What the..? I bought every component straight from the store with warranty and receipt, and it was in a factory new condition. After I booted my PC up again, everything was fine, except one.

RAM RGBs were flashing like crazy! They were flashing so fast, changing the colors randomly, and it looked so bad. I went into the software of my RAM real quick, and switched it to static mode of light. Another problem - It was like this and this. Whenever I change the color or some shade of it, somewhere else on the module, it was showing some other color or mix of some more. Whenever I start my PC from then, the same problem - lights are flashing and changing colors like crazy! When I change the mode to any dinamic one, like rainbow or meteor, everything is fine, but static is the problem, which I like to use.

Two or three times more, the Kernel Data Inpage Error appeared, and then, I checked my modules with Windows Diagnostic Tool, at it said that everything was fine.. I don't know what can be, why is this error showing, why are my leds on modules crazy? Thanks if you had time to read this, I hope you can write something down and help me fix the problem, I would be very thankful.

Best regards.

My PC parts:
  • Ryzen 7 5700g
  • GTX 750 TI 2GB OC
  • KINGSTON A2000 500GB

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Are you using the latest BIOS? Do you have modules in slots two and four away from the CPU?

Try each module individually in the second slot to see if one performs differently. In case one does, send them in for RMA and a replacement should work better.

For lighting, shut down all power including from power supply, press power button to fully discharge, then power ON to see if LEDs can revert to default rainbow correctly.