Hi I recently finished my custom pc with the 257r carbide but not sure why the front rgb fans don't light up at all ? I'm aware there is no hdd led so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Not to sure what the rgb headers look like they just spin and runU connected the 4 pin rgb headers?
Hi I connected them to any fan hub I saw and they are 3 pin and there is no extra cablesrgb-fans usually do have 2 cables. 1 off them for connecting to a fan-header and 1 to connect to an argb- or RGB-header. Obviously you connected the power-cable to th fan-header on MB, otherwise they would not run. But what's about the second cable for the RGB-connection ( are they 3- or 4-pin and where did you connect them to?)
On further inspection I found the rgb splitter, I tried the rgb plug in the bottom right of my msi b550 tomahawk but can't find an led headerHi I connected them to any fan hub I saw and they are 3 pin and there is no extra cables