Rick Perry's Chance Down The Drain

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He is toast. Like Obama, he never had really good debate skills.

Three government agencies? Off the top of my head - NLRB, DoEd, BATFE, NEArts, PBS, NPR.
DoEnergy can be merged into Interior. EPA and FDA need overhauling badly.

More? Anything not specifically enumerated as a Federal responsibility in the U.S. Constitution.
The correct answer Mr. Perry was looking for was: Dept. of Energy.

OK but what has he actually done in Texas? The claim that he created all these magical jobs is directly related to the Oil inudstry in Texas and would have come about with or without him, that's been established in analysis already.

Above that, he's signed legislation aiding in the education of immigrants (illegal and legal alike) which did not go over very well across the GOP and has been hammering points for Romney.

Personally I thought he never had a chance. Between him, Cain and the fringe (Bachman, Gingrich) there is so many distractions within the GOP that there is very little solidarity and consistency. He may appeal to a lot of the disconnected GOP voters but he had zero chance of swaying the centrists which will be needed to win this next election.

Its funny you say that, did you know that Obama created more private sector jobs in 2010 than Bush did in 8 years? Bush also had the worst job creation of any president since record keeping started.


And Here
Yes because 4.5% - 6.1% = 0%

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 4.3% in January 2001, peaking at 6.3% in June 2003 and reaching a trough of 4.4% in March 2007. After an economic slowdown, the rate rose again to 6.1% in August 2008 and up to 7.2% in December 2008. From December 2007 when the recession started to December 2008, an additional 3.6 million people became unemployed. And, as of January 1, 2009, his last month in office, the nation lost 655,000 jobs, raising the unemployment rate to 7.8%, the highest level in more than 15 years.


Translated to:

"Oh well, since you used real figures and statistics and have completely mooted my whole point, I'll make up excuses."

I'm 9 years your younger, assuming that is what 73 means, but I'm old enough to know when someone is just making excuses.



Perry took credit for his magical job creation strategy, which is untrue in entirety, especially with your justification of the matter. Doing nothing does not equate to job creation, even if the role of the government is just to provide a good environment. He did nothing.

It's not like you can or will come up with something other than laughs yourself, so cheers to giggles all around!


PBS and NPR are not agencies.

The government employs people.

That is all.
Oh puh-leez! Sure he did. Depends on how they skew the numbers; using Obama math or using real world numbers from the CBO or BLS.

If any jobs were actually created, this is only after implementing failed economic policy and passing a health care bill that raised the unemployment from 5.8% in 2008 to 9.6% in 2010.

So while using Obama math, he can claim he created jobs, he and two years of a democrat controlled House and Senate can also take credit for (almost) doubling the unemployment rate during the same time period. BTW, implementing policy that "stops job loss" does not equal job creation. Heck, Obama can't even claim a zero sum game with job creation and job loss, it's all been job loss, no real world gain.

I can't believe that after 3 years of a horrible economy, record unemployment, and 50M people on welfare (a 17% increase since 2008) that folks are still spewing the liberal propaganda that Obama and the democrats created jobs.
Perry never really had a chance to begin with. Most Americans do not want another Texas Republican as President, hence the rise of Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich.
Not only that, but why allow Immelt, who sits on his job panel, continue to offshore GE manufacturing jobs to China! Really now, how hard it would be for Obama to whisper in Jeffrey's ear, "Hey man, create jobs in America and quit shipping them to China, I'll give you the money!"

After dumping BILLION$ into a false green economy and continued backing of failed green investments, the last thing Obama and the democrats are going to do is admit that cheap, easily accessible oil sands (or coal, or natural gas for that matter!) from Canada (one of our greatest allies) is a good short term solution until truly implementable green technology is just as affordable and ready for the consumer market.

Yeah, I thought that was assumed.

Well now you're saying something quite different than before, when you said, "Well, first off, government does not create jobs." Now all you're saying is that it takes money to create a job, which is at once indisputable and trivial.

On the one hand, I agree that any system will try to increase its own power (the second paragraph). On the other hand, it would be strange of that system did not try to increase its revenue to that end (the first paragraph).

Are you arguing that there is no need for public employees? If so, that is a very strange line to take. You benefit every day from a publicly funded project. The internet, for example, or roads. Would you argue that the military is useless?

Or that public education should be entirely privatized so only those with money can afford education?

What about the mail service; I hear all kinds of crap (not hear, yet) about wanting to privatize the mail service, which would mean huge portions of rural America would have no postage service at all.

What about public water treatment; should we trust all those privatized entities with our health and well being as their systemic purpose to show a profit, not protect public health?

I hate/love this line; "it's a slippery slope."

I take this to mean "the government is not the primary source of jobs." Is that a correct assessment of what you're saying? If so, I agree.

The internet was a government project, yes. See lockdown's link.

I'm not saying the public sector is the sole source of good, or that there are no bad public employees. What a strange mischaracterization.

i would prefer them to be like the hoover dam. build by a private workforce that is publicly funded for things like roads. the military belongs to the government ill say that.

Yeah, that works too. Another way the government creates jobs.

Ahh, yes, two entirely different things. Not like the internet started as a government project at all. [/sarcasm]

However you want to split hairs is fine, but ultimately without its inception, it would not be in it's current state. Again, you'd rather deal with semantics than anything else, please spare [strike]me[/strike] us.

Actually your sources are incorrect. Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office has revised the amount of jobs "saved or created" by Obama's stimulus plan to 750,000, mostly saved - not created. Keep in mind that the CBO is not a partisan agency. Most of these jobs that were "saved" are public sector jobs and temporary jobs - not permanent jobs that will help the economy. By any objective measure, the Obama Keynesian stimulus package is an absolute failure.

Honestly, when I took macro economics 101 in college in 1992, the chair of the economic department stated that Keynesian theories had largely been disproven and no longer are taken seriously by economists. I am not sure why anyone rational person would believe in this outdated, theoretical approach to the economy that at best has very limited benefits.

If you take the cost of $860 billion and divide it by 750,000 the cost to produce each job is $1,146,667 per job. But in an effort to be fair, let's highest number originally claimed by the Obama administration at 3.5 million. $860 billion / 3.5 million = $242,714 per job created. The economy would have benefited more if the $860 billion had just been GIVEN directly to each of the alleged 3.5 million workers instead of being sifted through dozens of government agencies each taking their own cut.

But even if you dispute the the above numbers you are still left with the cold-hard facts that real unemployment is hovering between 10%- 25% in various sections of the country. Under Bush, the unemployment hovered between 4%- 7%. This is reality that cannot be argued - especially to those suffering under the absolute economic incompetence of the Obama administration.
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