Hello. I recently purchased more ram for my ASUS P6T SE mobo. I was getting strange timings from the default Windows settings so I turned on X.M.P. in the bios, which I assume was the correct thing to do. However, now I'm stumped, as my memory benchmark test gave a really high latency as a result. Here are hopefully helpful pictures:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231538 (my ram)
Any idea what is causing that latency? Maybe MaxMeM isn't detecting my ram correctly because it's showing *** as my memory and in CPU-Z it shows my ram in slots 1 & 2, but they're most certainly slotted in slots 1 & 3 on my mobo. Thank you for any possible help!

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231538 (my ram)
Any idea what is causing that latency? Maybe MaxMeM isn't detecting my ram correctly because it's showing *** as my memory and in CPU-Z it shows my ram in slots 1 & 2, but they're most certainly slotted in slots 1 & 3 on my mobo. Thank you for any possible help!