Riing 12 RGB physical controller to CPU_OPT: Possible?


Aug 5, 2016
I currently ordered this Thermaltake Riing 12 RGB before I knew that I ran out of 4-Pin slots. I found out that the CPU_OPT is a 4-Pin slot. I was wondering if it can power up the physical Controller

The Riing RGB comes with a controller that goes only into a 4-Pin slot.

The controller is a physical controller that connects to a 4 Pin, which in this case the CPU_OPT

Will this work? Can I use the CPU_OPT as a power outlet to power up the Controller?
The problem with the RGB fans by Thermaltake is that they only have a CPU_OPT fan header as erm an option. You can runt eh fans as they are and yet control the fan speeds using the inline controller. IMHO it's not worth adding a fan hub to break out a fan header to plug into the controller since the controller will not work off of the signal given by the motherboard header.

If it's possible, I'd ask you to return the RGB fan pack and pick up a specified color fan in the Riing series and be done with it since you get PWM functionality in the latter and if you invest in a PWM fan hub like this you get to control all your fans off one header(like teh CPU_FAN header and regulate temps based off of one factor.

Before you get...
The problem with the RGB fans by Thermaltake is that they only have a CPU_OPT fan header as erm an option. You can runt eh fans as they are and yet control the fan speeds using the inline controller. IMHO it's not worth adding a fan hub to break out a fan header to plug into the controller since the controller will not work off of the signal given by the motherboard header.

If it's possible, I'd ask you to return the RGB fan pack and pick up a specified color fan in the Riing series and be done with it since you get PWM functionality in the latter and if you invest in a PWM fan hub like this you get to control all your fans off one header(like teh CPU_FAN header and regulate temps based off of one factor.

Before you get any ideas to modify the control box and the fans themselves, the RGB fans have a 5 pin proprietary connection which is impossible to operate and power without the controller box. Silly decision by Thermaltake if you asked me since you're going to always open your case panel to change the lights based on your mood.