RIM Sends Invites For BlackBerry 10 Event on January 30

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Our whole company traded in our blackberries for iphone 5's, Note 2's, and Galaxy S2's. We only have 5 BB's left, as they are waiting for their term to be up. What is funny is that every salesperson but 1 took an iphone and every service or tech guy took a galaxy. BB is about 2-3 months too late. Last year our company was going to get all the service guys BB playbook 4G but they never came. Since then the company that built our software came out with a mobile app. Bye bye blackberry, hello note 2. The note2 replaced my laptop, BB, and 3G stick. Too little too late as companies are leaving BB in droves.
shouldnt really dump this before its released. remember how good WEBos was at its time? it got ignored, but it was undoubtably the best os available. this blackberry os just might be great. we'll just have to wait and see if its got anything over the others as far as business goes. also that leaked image of the new phone is damn sexy. if the phone looks good and runs smoothly, it has good chance of becoming popular and selling decently. I like the idea of more options.
Yeah not that we where the only one but I thought it funny because of the timing. The the people in charge of the environment I support account today that BB10 would not be supported in our environment at release. With no current ETA on when we will be.

My company which will remain nameless at this point has a 6 figure monthly cell bill and thousands of devices.

I can't image we are the only ones going through this.

On a sad note while personally hating Blackberries I far prefer BES server to the Airwatch software we are using to manage our iOS devices.

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