Rise of my first gaming desktop but not possible without your help


Oct 5, 2014
i was thinking sale my old desktop and get a good budget gaming desktop assembled.here are the components that looked pretty descent to me:-
motherboard: Msi A88XM-E35
processor: Amd a4 6300 3.7 GHz
Ram : corsair vengeance CMZ4GX3M1A1600C9 (4GB)
hard disk: seagate barracuda 250GB
Graphic card : yet to decide
power supply: corsair cx 430w
*i am a bit confused in chosing the graphic card
*I am from India
*i will play games like call of duty modern warfare,CoD ghosts etc
*My budget is 23000 INR
1. can anyone suggest me a good graphic card according to the info given above under 4500 INR?
2. do I require sound card ,integrated graphics ?
3. if anyone has some good suggestions for some other gaming mother bosrd under 6500 INR , your suggestions are welcomed.
If you haven't bought PC here is my opinion
Hey first of all if your building Gaming PC i would suggest a minimum quad core CPU. the reason is Few games do now allow execution on dual core. (you may google "far cry 4 dual core problem"

i would suggest and AMD 3.8 Ghz FM2 A8 -7600 Processor the reason is it has good IGP and it can be paired with R7 240 in dual graphics mode that will boost your graphic card even further.

Biostar A58ML Motherboard

HDD same if thats sufficient for you. ( incase if u can save money and use old hdd )

Sapphire AMD/ATI Radeon R7 240 with Boost R7 240 2GB DDR3 2 GB DDR3 Graphics Card

RAM here i would suggest G.Skill TridentX DDR3 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) PC RAM (F3-2400C10D-8GTX)

PSU again try to use old PSU if you can. let me know .