Rise of the tomb raider glitchy mess

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Since you didn't see how my game was having these issues I went on to record them in the very clear state where it can be seen, I have made progress through the game without directx12 on and I turned it on for this recording. Also you never see the screen tearing because it can only be shown just from recording the monitor outside from recording softwares. And turning off directx12 actually makes my game very slow that I end up dying a lot due to how slow my character responds to key presses.[video="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3VpzHVqcIQ"][/video]
There's still nothing there proving it's screen tear. Screen tear, which usually appears horizontally, is when frames of video don't sync. There's typically clear signs of it by seeing a distinct line where the frames are torn, often showing edges of objects shifting laterally vs aligned.

What you're showing instead looks like extreme lag and brief texture flickering, which could be due to low spec and/or driver problems. You've yet to even mention what spec you're running or if you have Vsync enabled. What I'm saying is just because a GPU says it supports Dx12, doesn't necessarily mean it supports it well enough to get any benefit from it. It can vary from game to game too depending on how well the devs implement it.

For instance my 7970 supposedly supports it, but it doesn't have enough ACE units to take advantage of it well enough to offer any performance improvement, and more often than not it results in worse performance, so I use Dx11 mostly, including in RotTR. As I said, I'm pretty sure Dx12 is mainly broken with one particular cutscene near the end of the game, but it's also not optimized very well for low level Dx12 capable GPUs.

Lack of optimization for older gen GPUs does not equate to broken though, especially with today's shoddily developed games.

I already said that you cannot see screen tearing because it doesn't show on recording softwares like the one I used, and my specs are GTX 1060 and AMD FX 6300 8Gb ram with no vsync on. I already ran games that were far smoother and use dx12 and does not go by what this game is going trough. And my pc has the latest nvidia drivers as well and I already tried the game without the latest drivers and still get the same results.

Yeah, I can read, I know what you said, I can only go by what you show though, and that other Dx12 games run fine only validates what I said about some devs implementing it better than others.

Quite frankly I don't see it as an issue since it's just this game and Dx12 is still relatively new in gaming in general.


I don't really see any point in talking to you at this point as you never even given any solutions to the problem, I only think you only came here to troll. As given a game like this one released 2 years ago is nothing new by now, plus devs already have seen this and I already fixed this problem myself by now.
You have a very strange way of looking at things. First you talk about screen tear claiming you have a video example, then you only admit after I mention it's not visible in the video that it was kinda pointless to post.

Then you seem reluctant to even mention your spec, even when it'as brought up, and out of the blue claim to have solved the problem without saying how.

From that one can only conclude you're too embarrassed to say what was causing it, and my guess is it was something you had running hogging resources.

I'm hardly a troll, and was only offering my own personal experience and what I'd researched about how the game runs on Dx12. You on the other hand have all the ear markings of a troll poster.
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