FYI to all, Riva Tuner is not bulletproof, it can have various effects, I was using Riva Tuner as I always do to find a good stable OC to flash my GPU bios to.
The GPU OC was stable for a month and solidly tested, while playing Crysis I got a warning from the Crysis game that, "Your emulation software is conflicting with the Crysis game engine", since I only have whats necessary to run my games on my machine, I was baffled at what emulation software is was referring to.
The only thing I could think of was Riva Tuner but I'd never considered it as being emulation software or that it could conflict with some games, but I did have it set to startup with Windows and apply the OC settings.
Since my OC settings were solid I decided to go ahead and flash my GPU to the OC settings, setting them as the default settings of the card, uninstalled Riva Tuner as I didn't need it anymore, and the Crysis situation went away.
Then out of sheer curiosity I reran a benchmark that was run while Riva Tuner was installed, and with the GPU flashed to the OC'd settings instead of the Riva Tuner software forcing it to run the OC settings the benchmark score increased by 1,000 points.
My suggestion to all NOTE!! = [And you do this at your own expense, I take no responsibility for you screwing up your own GPU, since GPU BIOS flashing guides are clearly stickied right above, neither does THGF for my suggestions.]
Is to use Riva Tuner to test your GPU for its optimum stable OC and then flash those OC settings to the GPU as its new default settings, your performance will increase, test and see.
I'm not bashing Riva Tuner here guys, I'm trying my best to explain whats happened to me and my situation, I have and will continue to use Riva Tuner to discover my OCing GPU sweet spots, however I use Riva Tuner to discover a good solid OC setting and then flash my GPU to those settings as I've done for years now.
Riva Tuner is good and I definitely trust it, but I only use it for a stepping stone to discover what I need to know to flash the GPU to higher settings, then afterwards its not needed anymore.