Rivatuner use it, 6800 12pipline to 16pipline card


Oct 7, 2004
I have a 6800 12pipline card from Galaxy, i got it for a price of £200 thats all i could afford since my old fx5600 256mb was a pile of [-peep-].

i recieved my card and i kept hearing people in forums on about swopping the bios or modding the bios of a 6800 12 pipline to a 16pipline.

Since i dident want to [-peep-] up my card by changing or moding the bios i left this feature well alone untill i came across guru3d.com which shows you how to mod it without messing with the bios. check it out.

only 80% of cases have been sussesful my score in 3dmark05 changed from 3700 to 4100 just like that.

a couple of clicks and stable as hell now i have a 16pipline card for 200bux best buy.

if you have a 6800 try it out, if it works wicked if it dont uninstall the riva tuner.

AMD XP2600
DFI Lanparty nf 2U
512 333
Thermaltake B 480watt.6800 128 Galaxy
heh ur prolly one of the only that got to unlock those pipes. on other forums ive seen over 300 ppl fail to unlock pipes. i personally have failded and everyone with a 6800 nu i bet has tried on these forums. ur a lucky one that has succeded

"Freeze, your under arrest for the murder of Moe Sislack and Apu Nahasapasa...OK nevermind, just moe."
If should also be noted that even RivaTuner's creators say that even if it does unlock the pipes, that doesn't mean they will work properly.

At least it worked for you, didn't work for anyone else here on the board, as far as I know.

My Desktop: <A HREF="http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html" target="_new">http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html</A>
i am amased that it hasent worked for any1 else i brought a galaxy card.

And the company galaxy in japan was in close testing with nvidia so i put it down to galaxy being clever and releasing the first set where the piplines was not hardware disabled where i have seen overs like bfg, inno e,t,c have been disabled if peeps dont believe us i can email u the screen shots plus i have no artifacts, and no problems.

i would suggest people who can only afford a 6800 to go for a galaxy 6800 it OC pretty good i get upto 873 mhz in memory and the core can go upto 410 maximum above that u get artifacts bad.

also check out my scores in 3dmark my CPU and ram is [-peep-] but im amazed with my scores compared to over people with gts and same spec pc as me. links below



AMD XP2600
DFI Lanparty nf 2U
512 333
Thermaltake B 480watt.6800 128 Galaxy
We didn't say we don't believe you, just saying no one around here has been that lucky.

My 3DMark03 score isn't very far from yours, you sure all your pipelines are working correctly.?

Your 3DMark03 - 10,305
Mine - 10,045

While there is a difference, not as much as I would expect.

My Desktop: <A HREF="http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html" target="_new">http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html</A>
LOL sorry mate well it depends on the system specs.

if you have a betta cpu than my card and betta ram that would make a difference of 50 or 1500 which i have seen in search and compare.

put a link in so i can see ur system spec or ur official link to comapre on 3dmark.

also a difference in drivers could make a difference as well.

but then again i got a higher score lol

AMD XP2600
DFI Lanparty nf 2U
512 333
Thermaltake B 480watt.6800 128 Galaxy
sorry mate just clicked the link.

yes u have a xp2800 betta than my shitty cpu xp2600tb fsb333

you have sum kick ass ram 1gb of the stuff running duel channel, while i have a single 512 cheap and nasty 333mhz chip.

i also like ur sata hd and ur 200 watt rms sub plus ur tower looks nice i like ur rig. yous mustang sites wicked man im from the uk so we dont see cars like that. im a incar audio installer part time here i could do a awsome boot build in a mustang lots of space.

but gettin back to it if thats ur setup im not surprised u got a high mark but just by pure gfx card power i beat ur setup cuz i enabled the extra piplines mate.

im sorry to here like you and many others arent lucky wid opening the extra pipes.

my system spec
DFI lanparty nf 2 ultra version B
xp2600 333fsb
1x 512ddr 333mhz
128 galaxy 16 pipline
Audigy 5.1 SC
Cambridge soundworks DTT3500 with standalone 5.1 amp
thermaltake XASER III Aluminium case 4 fans with front panel controller and 2 temp display.
thermaltake butterfly power supply 480watt, 2 fan adjusters 7 leds colours inside PS with side window on PS.
need to upgrade ram and CPU.

AMD XP2600
DFI Lanparty nf 2U
512 333
Thermaltake B 480watt.6800 128 Galaxy
Yeah I understand the differences in our systems. Thanks for the comments on my PC.

Anyways didn't your link say your CPU was running just over 2.2 ghz? Or did I look at it wrong?

Hows that 2600+ chip for overclocking? I haven't heard many people talk about it yet?

My Desktop: <A HREF="http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html" target="_new">http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html</A>
its not bad thx for asking, i have tried to overclock it but its a thourahbred core not as fast as a barton.

the multiplyers unlocked so i go to 14x 166fsb which gives sumthing like 2350approx, but thats only a 3000XP i think bartons can go all the way to xp3200 if ur multi is unlocked and you have a good cooler, i would recommend you try it if you havent yet mate. but the core on my CPU isent what it used to be and its a big let down on my system and so is the ram.

AMD XP2600
DFI Lanparty nf 2U
512 333
Thermaltake B 480watt.6800 128 Galaxy