I have a 6800 12pipline card from Galaxy, i got it for a price of £200 thats all i could afford since my old fx5600 256mb was a pile of [-peep-].
i recieved my card and i kept hearing people in forums on about swopping the bios or modding the bios of a 6800 12 pipline to a 16pipline.
Since i dident want to [-peep-] up my card by changing or moding the bios i left this feature well alone untill i came across guru3d.com which shows you how to mod it without messing with the bios. check it out.
only 80% of cases have been sussesful my score in 3dmark05 changed from 3700 to 4100 just like that.
a couple of clicks and stable as hell now i have a 16pipline card for 200bux best buy.
if you have a 6800 try it out, if it works wicked if it dont uninstall the riva tuner.
AMD XP2600
DFI Lanparty nf 2U
512 333
Thermaltake B 480watt.6800 128 Galaxy
i recieved my card and i kept hearing people in forums on about swopping the bios or modding the bios of a 6800 12 pipline to a 16pipline.
Since i dident want to [-peep-] up my card by changing or moding the bios i left this feature well alone untill i came across guru3d.com which shows you how to mod it without messing with the bios. check it out.
only 80% of cases have been sussesful my score in 3dmark05 changed from 3700 to 4100 just like that.
a couple of clicks and stable as hell now i have a 16pipline card for 200bux best buy.
if you have a 6800 try it out, if it works wicked if it dont uninstall the riva tuner.
AMD XP2600
DFI Lanparty nf 2U
512 333
Thermaltake B 480watt.6800 128 Galaxy