[SOLVED] RM850 vs RM850x vs RM1000x


Jan 30, 2021
Hi guys, I'm planning for a build. I'd like to compare these three psu's and see the best between them. Is the RM850 good, cuz I've heard it's been discontinued. The rm1000x is a different wattage than the others, but it briefly in my price range. What's the best between the RM850 and RM850X. Thanks. My build: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/V6V73Z
RM850x is more expensive than the rm1000x in my country. Will try to find in cheaper.

If the RM1000x is cheaper, than the RM850x, then definitely go with that, over the lower wattage variant. Having too much wattage isn't a terrible thing. To be perfectly honest, though, you could get by just fine with a quality 550w, with that config.