RMAing a previously self-admitted, but now working, dead drive.


Feb 2, 2015
Going to be super short with this:-

1. Have dead drive
2. Self-admitted smart failure[0]
3. Create RMA with WD
4. Stupidly think to myself "Oh well, might as well try and get S.M.A.R.T. to fix itself"
5. Drive now works
6. I still want to RMA it[1], unsure if WD will accept
7. Admittedly, it's still throwing errors[2], but does work[3].

[0] https://paste.debian.net/plainh/ffbc3891
[1] It's obviously dying but unfortunately the warranty is expiring in a matter of days. It's now or never.
[2] I assume(? I'm not an expert in the SATA spec), but red lines and 'EXCEPTION' doesn't sound great. Here are my logs.
[3] Data can be stored and retrieved, although I really don't think I'd trust it.

Here's the full S.M.A.R.T. report dumped from `smartctl --all /dev/sdo`

I'm 100% sure that WD would have accepted it in it's previous state, but since I'm a dumbass and tried to help the disk help itself (By basically DD'ing over the drive a few times), I feel like they're probably going to reject it because it's quote-on-quote 'working'.

Anyone have any recommendations? Should I send it to them? Will they accept it? Will they say it's working and charge me for shipping it back to me?