'Rock Band VR' Uses Oculus Touch Controller

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is the pc getting rock band?

That depends. Harmonix has a crowdfunding campaign going on right now on Fig. If it reaches the $1.5 million goal, the company will hire another development team to work on the PC version.

So far, the campaign raised about $446,000. There are two weeks left in the campaign.
Um, Oculus is a PC peripheral. This is only on PC...

Right, but this is different than the full Rock Band experience. Rock Band VR will only let you use the guitar. If you want to play drums or vocals, or even have multiple friends play with you, you won't be able to play it on PC.

I don't think that is what Alidan is asking. Pretty sure they were just confused thinking this was a console game.
have fun playing rock band and potentially work on your fear of being in front of a crowd at the same time?
this is kind of the thing im interested in with VR. of course Ive wanted to play WoW and be fully immersed since I was 15 and started playing in vanilla, but the non gaming applications are limitless.
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