i have this rockstarclub account with GTA V purchased and recently i wanted to activate 2-step verifaction in order to protect my account from hacker's and when i activated it from my phone with app athenticator from google i used a key given from rockstar to get a code so i can enter my account when log in with email and password and the verfication code and i did but the thing is when my brother deleted the authenticator app from the phone i tried to install it aain and get the verficatiopn code so i can enter my account in social club but when i got a the code number it did not work and red alert came saying that the authenticator code is invalid and i tried to sync the account from the app and also didn't work !
Is there anyway to enter my account when i lost the key and the code given from is invalid without the verifcation code HELP ME PLEASE § THANK YOU !?????
i have this rockstarclub account with GTA V purchased and recently i wanted to activate 2-step verifaction in order to protect my account from hacker's and when i activated it from my phone with app athenticator from google i used a key given from rockstar to get a code so i can enter my account when log in with email and password and the verfication code and i did but the thing is when my brother deleted the authenticator app from the phone i tried to install it aain and get the verficatiopn code so i can enter my account in social club but when i got a the code number it did not work and red alert came saying that the authenticator code is invalid and i tried to sync the account from the app and also didn't work !
Is there anyway to enter my account when i lost the key and the code given from is invalid without the verifcation code HELP ME PLEASE § THANK YOU !?????