Should Romney release more than 2 years of his taxes to the public to see what really is going on with him?
and he has totally failed to deliver and live up to his own words. When a standing President running for re-election fails to deliver on his first term's platform promises, especially since transparency would be a "touchstone of his presidency", then it stands to reason that Obama by his own actions, in criticizing Romney, has opened the door to question why he sequestered certain and specific information and is unwilling to release that information to the public. It is blatantly hypocritical of Obama to criticize Romney for not releasing information."Information will not be withheld just because I say so; it will be withheld because a separate authority believes my request is well-grounded in the Constitution. Let me say it as simply as I can: transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency"
and he has totally failed to deliver and live up to his own words. When a standing President running for re-election fails to deliver on his first term's platform promises, especially since transparency would be a "touchstone of his presidency", then it stands to reason that Obama by his own actions, in criticizing Romney, has opened the door to question why he sequestered certain and specific information and is unwilling to release that information to the public. It is blatantly hypocritical of Obama to criticize Romney for not releasing information."Information will not be withheld just because I say so; it will be withheld because a separate authority believes my request is well-grounded in the Constitution. Let me say it as simply as I can: transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency"
As for the transparency debate, he has done more than any other president in the history of this nation.
Not to mention that he has gone through with hundreds of other campaign promises but I guess you are just focusing on the ones that are not up to your expectations.