Romney and his tax reports

Well he released one year and an estimate for 2012.

I found this site interesting

If you are running your presidential campaign about how well you run a business wouldnt it make sense to release your tax data so we can see how exactly your ran your business and how exactly you made your money?

*Face Palm* anti-colonialist marxist, do you just have a dartboard with this stuff written on it?

Im pretty sure a tax return would explain where his money comes from, mine says all sorts of stuff about how much money my employer gave me.

As a normal citizen Romney can do whatever he wants, as a presidential candidate running on his business record he needs to show how he acquired all of his money.

If Obama releases his school records if its not 100% completely perfect it would be the topic of debate for the next two weeks, its not important, he is obviously a very smart guy.

What would you hope to see in Obama's transcript that would prove he is an Anti-Capitalist Marxist? On my records you would see Anti-War literature, does that make me a Marxist?
This releasing of tax returns brouhaha is a distraction and makes for great fodder for the useful idiots. Arguing over whether Romney should or should not release more than two years of his tax returns or comparing that Obama released the past 12 years of his tax returns is nothing but gutter politics and ultimately has no bearing on who would make a better President.

Tax returns are private property and no presidential candidate is required or legally bound to release them to the public. Presidential candidates are only required to release their finances to the Election Board to ensure they meet the requirements of candidacy; no more, no less, period end of story! Mitt Romney has met these requirements and then went above and beyond to publicly release his last two years tax returns.

Forty years ago, the thought of ANYONE (candidate or not) publicly releasing their tax returns WAS UNHEARD OF! Think about it! Tax returns are private and personal information; are you willing to give your tax returns to the first person you met walking down the street?

But, now because it meets the needs of a desperate Obama campaign, who can not run on a successful record, it's a major talking point and falsely regarded as some measure of transparency and honesty; which is ironic given the total lack of transparency and honesty from the Obama administration!

Folks really need to get their priorities straight!

Tax returns. Friggin' ridiculous!

Except for Mitts Dad who released something like 12 years of taxes when he ran for president in 1968.

I agree it is ridiculous but one has to wonder why release 23 years of tax returns to McCain when being vetted as a possible VP in 2008 and then only release one year in 2012? Maybe what McCain saw in those release was something he wanted no part of, and chose Palin.

But he either will or he wont, so its kinda silly to speculate.
Totally agree! Sadly it's typical for the progressives and pundits to speculate and imply felony charges and illegal activity when it meets their political end. They only want Romney's tax records to run a Chicago style smear campaign. The Progressive and Democrats have no honest interest and do not care how much and what year Romney earned what. Truly though, it's hypocritical.
Its an easy thing to do, hell he could even employ someone to get his records ready for him.

And Chunky lets not generalize so much, there are many calls from the Republican party for him to release more.

Because he released them to McCain's VP vetting team, not to the public. After seeing that McCain didnt even think he would make a good VP and chose..... Sarah Palin over him.

Now what do you think was in those documents that would turn McCain off from Romney?
Heres the gist
He doesnt want this all about why he tries to save money or make money.
John Kerry only submitted 2 years worth, his wife, none.
GE has been touted high, which is strange to begin with, and their CEO has supposedly helped the BO admin on business, and their majority of employees are overseas, their overseas holdings are not taxed here, and theyve been given tax breaks, and pay no taxes.
To open up as to why he has money in a certain bank, or holdings in certain things are a distraction to business at hand, as someone once said, its the economy stupid.
Using this small tactic, where we always find a villain, and thus victims is only one of many such attempts to control this election.
These small minds goes after peoples dislike for the rich, the successful, just as if youre female, of color, an illegal alien etc etc.
All the while, as he did against Hillary, he does so again, using Bain, and lying, again to deflect the critical issue of the economy.
Now, if BO's record were such as to defend easily on the main issue, we wouldnt see this sideshow.
But this isnt the case, and Mr MR wants to stay on topic, the economy.
In "the art of being right", the philosopher A. Schopenhauer classified it as the 38th trick to use -the last resort when you have no more bullets
Thus attack the person, and to go off topic
So, if Mr BO has no more bullets, he has to attack Mr MR, and deflect from the truth, its the economy, and if he thinks he can go on without addressing this, he will lose
The following lists the 38 stratagems described by Schopenhauer, in the order of their appearance in the book:

1.The Extension
2.The Homonymy
3.Generalize Your Opponent's Specific Statements
4.Conceal Your Game
5.False Propositions
6.Postulate What Has to Be Proved
7.Yield Admissions Through Questions
8.Make Your Opponent Angry
9.Questions in Detouring Order
10.Take Advantage of the Nay-Sayer
11.Generalize Admissions of Specific Cases
12.Choose Metaphors Favourable to Your Proposition
13.Agree to Reject the Counter-Proposition
14.Claim Victory Despite Defeat
15.Use Seemingly Absurd Propositions
16.Arguments Ad Hominem
17.Defense Through Subtle Distinction
18.Interrupt, Break, Divert the Dispute
19.Generalize the Matter, Then Argue Against it
20.Draw Conclusions Yourself
21.Meet Him With a Counter-Argument as Bad as His
22.Petitio principii
23.Make Him Exaggerate His Statement
24.State a False Syllogism
25.Find One Instance to the Contrary
26.Turn the Tables
27.Anger Indicates a Weak Point
28.Persuade the Audience, Not the Opponent
30.Appeal to Authority Rather Than Reason
31.This Is Beyond Me
32.Put His Thesis into Some Odious Category
33.It Applies in Theory, but Not in Practice
34.Don't Let Him Off the Hook
35.Will Is More Effective Than Insight
36.Bewilder Your opponent by Mere Bombast
37.A Faulty Proof Refutes His Whole Position
38.Become Personal, Insulting, Rude

I ask, who does this represent, Mr BO or Mr MR

Was this specific reason given for McCain's choice? Perhaps there was another reason why he chose Palin that had nothing to do with tax records.

Your challenging Obama's school records because you don't think he is American and have conspiracy theories about his true motives. On the other hand people want to seen Romney's tax returns to truly understand his business record. See how your request is just silly while the other one is based in logic?
Why do you automatically assume that Romney is hiding something?

Romney has offshore accounts. You assume he must be laundering money!

Romney supposedly lying about when he left Bain capital. You imply he committed a felony!

Are you that paranoid or that obviously politically bias?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

The larger issue here that folks seem to be missing is that Obama ran on a platform that
"Information will not be withheld just because I say so; it will be withheld because a separate authority believes my request is well-grounded in the Constitution. Let me say it as simply as I can: transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency"
and he has totally failed to deliver and live up to his own words. When a standing President running for re-election fails to deliver on his first term's platform promises, especially since transparency would be a "touchstone of his presidency", then it stands to reason that Obama by his own actions, in criticizing Romney, has opened the door to question why he sequestered certain and specific information and is unwilling to release that information to the public. It is blatantly hypocritical of Obama to criticize Romney for not releasing information.

Liberals will never learn that they can not have it both ways...

How hypocritical of you, Romney must be hiding something, but how dare anyone try to apply the same standard you're proposing to Obama.
Thus the irony
Some will defend then propose unsupported speculations
His records, his school records, arent available, not open nor have they been seen.
So, as to his birth records, who knows, but as to other claims, others have used him as being born in Indonesia, and no story on that, no background, assuming he wasnt, what is the story?

Again with the generalizations...

As for the transparency debate, he has done more than any other president in the history of this nation. How is that totally failing to deliver? Not to mention that he has gone through with hundreds of other campaign promises but I guess you are just focusing on the ones that are not up to your expectations.

How it that fair when Obama has already released his tax returns dating back to 2000 when he was running for the democratic nomination? By the way, what is a proper birth record? Do we need to interrogate the doctor that delivered him? What if he is dead? Does that mean Obama is not American?
As for the transparency debate, he has done more than any other president in the history of this nation.

Like what? Hes added to the national debt in his first month in office than any other president in the history of this nation.

As far as the history of this nation? I'm not even sure I should take you seriously. Are you actually Obama on the level of great men like George Washington? Abraham Lincoln? Get out of here, you're nuts.

Not to mention that he has gone through with hundreds of other campaign promises but I guess you are just focusing on the ones that are not up to your expectations.

Obama ran on the platform that he would bring jobs back to this country and turn this economy around. I don't know about you, but this has been the single most important thing to me, as someone who has experienced first hand the loss that comes associated with the bad economy. What has Obama done? People are still out of work, unemployed or underemployed. Minimum wage is not a livable wage in this country. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

The same lame excuse Bush gave, "we inherited the problem from the previous administration". Obama says he underestimated how badly Bush screwed up the economy. It gives me a dismal outlook on the ability of democracy to survive when we keep electing presidents who do nothing but blame "the last guy" for why they cant turn things around.
This is the second claim you've made stating that I make generalizations. How am I generalizing the transparency issue when I directly quote the President? How am I generalizing when I recite the Democratic criticism of Romney? I think what you claim are generalizations is my unwillingness to detail what I believe to be public knowledge, or should be already understood by anyone who is paying attention to the actions and policies of the Obama Adminstration.

Now who's making generalizations? I suppose that sequestering his transcripts by executive order was done in the name of transparency? I suppose claiming Executive Privilege for Eric Holder for Fast & Furious was done in the name of transparency? I suppose then Speaker of the House stating that we have to pass the Bill (the ACA) to know what's in the Bill was done in the name of transparency? I suppose the closed door Senate Budget Committee hearings for Democrats only were done in the name of transparency? I suppose that Obama allowing the DOJ to propose new rules exempting them from the FIOA was done in the name transparency? I suppose Obama appealing a court's decision to withhold the White House Guest List sign in sheet was done in the name of transparency? I can keep going...the fact is, the Obama Administration has been just as if not more secretive that previous Presidencies when it comes to disclosure or FIOA request.

Again, now who's making generalizations? Cite specific examples please where Obama has delivered on HUNDREDS of campaign promises.

Now before you go off in a tizzy, a simple Google search and visit to lists the promises kept and broken by Obama. But my point is, it is easy to claim other folks are making generalizations when a quick and easy search will show you otherwise.

Again with the tax returns?! Good grief! Fairness has nothing to do with anything. Do you fail to understand that there is no universal measure for what is "fair", that "fairness" is a completely subjective position based on who is making the fairness claim. It seems that only children and liberals cry about lack of "fairness" when they have no other logical or intellectual argument to stand on. Bottom line is, Romney met the requirements of disclosing financial information when he was vetted by the Board of Elections. There is no legally binding requirement for any candidate to release private financial statements to the general public. Fact is, no presidential candidate is required to release tax returns. Fact is, Romney went over and above what was required for financial disclosure by releasing two years of tax returns. Claiming it's not fair the Obama released 12 years and Romney only released two years of tax returns in the intellectual equivalent of saying that you and I both got ice cream but mine was vanilla and your was chocolate. We both got ice cream, didn't we? Both Obama and Romney released their tax returns didn't they? And now because two years isn't good enough for you, you're gonna complain about it not being fair. Oh please!

The whole "birther" issue is great conspiracy fodder. But like all good conspiracy theories, it has enough "truth" to raise questions that beg to be answered. Questions like Obama sharing a SS# with a dead guy from Connecticut. That his birth certificate number is out of sequence and date with the people born before and after him in Hawaii.

Hahaha. They tried to interrogate the doctor that supposedly delivered Obama. But guess what, he is dead! Hahahahaha! Seriously tho, all joking aside, the doctor that delivered Obama is dead.