Rosewill Nighthawk 117 EATX/XL-ATX Full Tower Case Review

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Nice job. If I were going to build a larger system, this case would be on my short list. The lighted fans can always be replaced, and I'm not interested in liquid cooling since my OCs are mild. The features list, including the drive dock, is very good. At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I've never been disappointed by a Rosewill case.
I've looked at Rosewill cases in the past, even used one in a build for my father.

The one thing I've noticed is they like to omit a feature or 3 in favor of being cheaper. This case, the front filter is "built into a screw-on fan panel". It's as bad as the case I used for my dad. It had a filter(sort of) built into the front bezel, non-removable from the bezel and it used the pain to remove round plastic clips to attach to the rest of the case. Neither of those are convenient.

I looked at a couple when I decided to go Full ATX+, and while overall they were nice, they lacked a feature or 3 that would make it a must buy. I went with my Enthoo Primo, the most expensive case I've ever bought, also by far the nicest and easiest to build in. There were 2 others that were more expensive, but didn't offer all the features the Primo has. A CM Cosmos 2 and Lian Li PC-08, the latter was just too expensive to justify anything about it.

Ever tried to fill in a scratched black object with permanent marker? That's exactly what this reminds me of
OR...I could just get a Phanteks Enthoo pro or Enthoo Luxe... Better options, and you don't have to use the lights and they come in non-windowed versions for even less. When is Tom's going to review these cases? Would love to see them in the comparison, particularly where temperatures are concerned.
If I may suggest... For $20 more than this case, just get a Corsair Obsidian 750D - larger, nicer case with a clean design, in my opinion anyway. I own two of them, one at home and one at the office, very nice case, easy to build with.
I get the need for utility, and this thing clearly has a lot of utility, but it's also hideous - the computer-case opposite of a beautiful person with a terrible personality. It's function over form gone too far. While beauty resides in the eye of the beholder, a beholder'd be trippin' to think this is beautiful.
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