Router Purchase: Gbit, wireless, 120+ Mbit WAN


Nov 23, 2008
Hello guys,

I am looking for a router. I have looked around and at the suggestions of others, but I need to narrow down the field.

Minimum specs of the router I'm looking for:
DD-WRT support
1Gbit LAN
120Mbit WAN (It will be used on a 60/60 Mbit line)
4+ ports

It also has to be able to handle a large quantity of simultaneous connections. I am using the a computer on the network for many online servers and the router has to be able to handle it.

I hope you can help me figuring out what it's gotta be.
I would go with the N66u rather than the AC66u. Besides the normal rant that 802.11ac is still not a standard the dd-wrt image for the AC is still a bit unstable. The N66u firmware is very stable....unless you are playing with the betas.
Assuming you want Wireless N in a dual band configuration, check out the Buffalo WZR-600DHP. Already has DD-WRT on it, easy to upgrade to the freshest dev builds if you want, very good radio in it. No WiFi drops sitting out in the garden catching rays while catching email...

I can't find a place to buy it. I live in Denmark. Is it a modified version of an another model?

It was this I was looking for: AirStation™ HighPower N600 Gigabit Simultaneous Dual Band DD-WRT Wireless Router

Once again though. Do they sell an another model with the exact same hardware? Just without DD-wrt. I don't mind flashing it myself.

Thanks for helping me out guys. I'll try to get a bit more info about the models you picked and then get back.

EDIT: I've decided to go with the RT-N66U, after having seen the specifications of both. There isn't really a best answer as the routers are in different pricing ranges and have different features, but I'll pick the answer of the router I've decided to go with as best.