Router's WAN LED turn off and on continuously

Oct 5, 2018
Hi there,
I have to provide internet connection to three offices which are far away from each other. The scheme adopted was to take a single cable from the main ADSL+ router and take to first office (Offiice-1). A TP-Link router in Office-1 is then used to provide connection to Office-1, Office-2 and Office-3 (Office-2 and Office-3 are at almost same distance, but in different direction). Cable used is Cat5.
The problem is when PC is connected directly to cable coming from ADSL+ router, internet works fine. But when the same cable from ADSL+ router is plugged in the WAN port of TP-Link router, the WAN connection LED turns on for brief duration, then goes off for almost same duration, then again turns on. This cycle is continuously repeated.
Please tell where is the problem and how to rectify it.

P.S: Both straight wire scheme and cross-over wiring schemes have been used with no effect.


ADSL+ Router=ZTE H168N
ISP= PTCL (Pakistan)

Ethernet Router = D-Link DIR 300


From This Port



To This Port

OK, your diagram which says "TP-Link" router and your description which says DLink conflict, but I will go with the DLink....

First thing to troubleshoot is cables. Start with a new cable from the ISP router to the DLink. Is there any reason you have to have the second router? Could a switch work just as well?
Problem was in cable. The guy that crimped the jacks at ends didn't follow pairing scheme. He crimped the jack with all pairs adjacent to each other, so in longer cable (~100ft) noise increased and routers/TP was not able to connect.
Once I re-crimped the jacks, it is working fine. Though speed is still 10mpbs.
Thanks all who tried to help me.