Routing Pascal through the iGPU outputs - possible?


Sep 24, 2011
To put it short, my venerable monitor kinda died (image shows for 1 second, then screen go black). I'll order another later this week, but until then I will have to deal with an old VGA monitor. Pascal cards don't have any VGA outputs, but my iGPU has one, and it all works fine. I have 2 DVI-something to VGA "converters" but they have some additional pins so they don't fit. I think one is DVI-I and another some form of DVI-A, although pins don't fully match. I don't mind breaking one of these - will it work if I extract the additional pins?

Even better, is there any way to route the video output of my 1070ti through the VGA output of the motherboard?

You're missing the point. The circuitry isn't there to route the output from the GPU through the motherboard and on to the iGPU to output.

It's not 'just a video stream'. There's a bit more to it than that. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone be taking advantage of it?

Patience is a virtue! Wait it out for your new monitor :)
Shame, there's no point in extra spending just for few days though. I'm hearing Pascal also requires an active adapter, as the VGA circuitry has been removed, which just adds to the price.
Guess it's finally time to enjoy the amazing UHD 630 on a 20 years old CRT for a week, should be a unique experience. Less so for my eyes which already hurt.
Would have been amazing if routing was possible. After all, it's just a video stream, the iGPU, motherboard, GPU are all already connected, so why not...
You're missing the point. The circuitry isn't there to route the output from the GPU through the motherboard and on to the iGPU to output.

It's not 'just a video stream'. There's a bit more to it than that. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone be taking advantage of it?

Patience is a virtue! Wait it out for your new monitor :)

I'm writing this as a curiosity, which I found while I was using the UHD 630 GPU, connected through VGA, to a CRT.

Passthrough/routing should not be possible, yes?

Well that did seem to be the case... with one glaring exception. A newer game, Vampyr.

This game surprised me by running at high framerates, at first I didn't notice due to Vsync and some nasty scaling issues. I kept the Pascal card in the motherboard active. It would not work in anything, but this specific game would run on the GPU and output through the iGPU. I am 100% sure, I monitored utilization, framerates... the iGPU would drop to 20% utilization while the GPU would run "normally", it was a bit lower than it can do, with some stuttering, but the game ran through this.

I even tweeted the devs asking if they use some multi-GPU tech. No responses sadly.

So it's definitely possible to route a Pascal though the iGPU or whatever happened. Not sure how, but it's possible and I assume anyone with Vampyr can replicate it, just run the game, activate/install drivers for both GPUs, and only connect the iGPU through VGA, no cables in the Pascal card.

No other games worked sadly.

I wish there was a way to find out what happened. I got the new monitor now, but I'm still curious.