Stupid stupid me. I can't belive that I actually did this but here goes. I installed roxio ez cd 5 on my comp. My dvd drive disappeared in my comp so I went to the site and downloaded a patch so it would work with xp. I was downloading something so I had to wait a while before I could reboot but when I did the dvd drive was still missing in my comp. I uninstalled the program but I still can't see the dvd. I can't play any games or do anything with the drive because when I put the disc in I get a msg " no supported drive installed". Any ideas where I can look for the little bit of s@##$t droppings that roxio left behind. Thx
A7n8x dlx 1004 Uber Agressive settings
2500Barton (Bastards locked it) Radeon 9200
WD 60g @7200w 8mg Cache Crucial 2700 2x 256
AMD ME??? Yeah they did me alright.
A7n8x dlx 1004 Uber Agressive settings
2500Barton (Bastards locked it) Radeon 9200
WD 60g @7200w 8mg Cache Crucial 2700 2x 256
AMD ME??? Yeah they did me alright.